Starting a Poker Website
Building Your Poker Website
How to Promote PartyPoker
is the most popular poker room on planet Earth. PartyPoker can have, at any point in time, between 55,000-65,000 active players. This represents 50%-60% of the entire online poker industry.
is perhaps the only online poker room with a recognizeable name, and that's why you should incorporate Party Poker's affiliate program at
into your website. PartyPoker is easy to market because it is more of a mainstream entity.
PartyPoker Lobby

PartyPoker Holdem Table

Here are the highlights that I think you could use to promote Party Poker:
Most Popular Poker Room!
So, the first and most obvious point to market regarding PartyPoker is the fact that they are the most popular online poker room in existence. With over 65,000 active players, they can't all be wrong. This alone should make every interested potential online poker player comfortable enough to try PartyPoker.
And, of course, with so many players comes so many BAD players. Yes, PartyPoker is commonly know as one of the "fishiest" poker rooms on the net - meaning the money is relatively easy to win from these poor players (fish). This is not a marketing ploy, I believe Party Poker is pretty fishy and I regularly play there.
Party Poker also has some nice marketing initiatives. One of those is that the gorgeous Shana Hiatt and poker celebrity, Mike Sexton, both from the World Poker Tour, endorse and help market PartyPoker. Shana Hiatt is the spokesperson for
. So the millions of poker fans who watch poker on TV now have an online poker room that they can identify with.
PartyPoker also hosts the " Million" event, which is one of the largest World Poker Tour events. The Million is held aboard a cruise ship and televised on the WPT.
Initial Deposit Bonus
Finally, Party Poker offers the new player an initial deposit bonus of either $25 with a deposit of $50 or more, or 20% of your initial deposit, for up to $100. While this bonus, in itself, is not that extraordinary, it is regarded as one of the easiest to earn. Many online poker rooms offer a new sign-up bonus, but make it very difficult to actually earn. You may have to play 5,000 raked hands or something to release the bonus and be able to cash it out. At Party Poker, it is very easy to convert to the bonus dollars to real dollars because their requirement is quite low.
I believe those are most of the highlights regarding
. There's plenty to work with here. After you start playing some hands over at Party, I'm sure you'll find plenty of other stuff that sets Party Poker apart that you can use on your website.
This is what people are saying about PartyPoker (courtesy of
No loose games. by CLEATUS54 @ 15, Apr 2006 |
Interface: Action: Support: Fish: Bonus:
Party Poker is the only on-line site I have tried. I do like the ease with which you can learn about the site. Technical support and customer service is good. I have never found an easy game. The 2-4,3-6, even the 1-2 tables have been nothing but hardcore rock death matches. As a person who has played a lot of brick and mortar, I know there are always some tough tables, but you usually find a decent mix at the casino. Not so at Party Poker. Maybe the fish have been caught, but I have NEVER ONCE found a good game. I opened up a separate account to limit my risk from on-line fraud, even going so far as to open up at a separate bank to protect my main financial routing number. I am still playing on the one and ONLY deposit I will ever make, so if they take it, they take it. (I now play only when I am totally alert, and play supertight. Once in a while, you can make a little on blind steals.) I would not recommend Party Poker's "action" to anybody. The only angle that might be worthwhile is to keep a little money in a real money account to maintain access to the freeroll tournaments. They pay peanuts, but at least it is tournament action. As far as card integrity, I think that the skew is OK at the 3-6 and above levels. Between the hardcore rocks and suspect distribution at the lower limits, I would not mess with them, unless you have the patience to wait for premium cards, and are willing to use money that you don't mind blinding off.
fixed by cap @ 09, Sep 2005 |
Interface: Action: Support: Fish: Bonus:
don't want to be the person to bring this up, BUT... My geek buddies and I did a pretty extensive study of party poker (10,000) hands. Paying special attention to cash-out, deposits, brief periods of not playing, and a number of other things that would affect the profitability of the poker room and I can say without a doubt that the natural distribution of cards was out of line. I obviously can't prove that it's on purpose or that it makes PP more money, BUT for the 10,000 hands that we looked at things were askew. I don't want to ruffle any feathers and want everyone to know that I am up on pp over 20K in the last I'm not complaining!!! It all got started when one of our group saw 4 sets of quads in about two and a half hours......FOUR. There were several nights during the study that the probability of seeing the hands that we saw in the amount of hands that we played was over 1 in 1,000,000!!!!! I have a degree in statistics and have made six figures 5 years in a row playing poker. It's safe to say that my figures are within a mouse fart of being right. Also, to all of you that think it's not fixed...Just because you're winning doesn't mean that the deal is truly random. We're currently studying another site and I'll post again when we're finished.
Very happy so far by baddy @ 12, Jun 2005 |
Interface: Action: Support: Fish: Bonus:
Signed up for PartyPoker the other day and have been pretty happy with the site overall. The initial bonus was $25 free with a $50 deposit, which I thought was pretty nice. You had to play 140 raked hands to unlock it, but that went very fast so it was no hurdle at all. There are always a ton of players online, so there is never any waiting at all for Sit-And-Go tournaments to get enough players. Also, for a small fee they have a service that lets you purchase a phone card with your credit card and then convert it into PartyPoker money -- this is very useful when you have credit cards that do not allow online gambling transactions (both of mine are like this). Also, I have cashed out twice to Neteller and both times it has only taken a couple of hours to be approved and in my Neteller account. My only gripe would be a lack of lower limit tournaments, the cheapest Sit-And-Go is $5+$1, and I like playing lower stakes sometimes on other sites. Many people comment about there being a ton of newbies on here, well they definitely are there but you find good players also. Obviously the higher stakes you play, the less likely you will be to encounter them... but why you would NOT want to play with a poor player is beyond me.
Games rigged? by another dropping by @ 01, Apr 2005 |
Interface: Action: Support: Fish: Bonus:
Totally agree with dropping by. Game winning or losing is not decided either by skill or luck of players, but by software. Software set ups the outcome of games. Don't expect you win the game which you should win 99% at real casinos. The card patterns are not like the ones at a real casino. In 1 session, try counting how many times you get same suit cards, how many times you get pocket pairs, how many times you get 2 face cards, how many times you hold connecting and/or same suit cards, how many times after the flop, you are flush draws or straight draws, how often players get 3 of a kind, etc.....then compare to the real casino.... Same thing at Paradise's. I believe, if you play at this places long enough, you can guess which cards comimg out next...and win or...lose. Statistic, peercent odds, all math stuffs....don't apply here. Example, you hold A/K club, and the flop comes Q/J club, 10 spade. Just don't raise or reraise like a crazy, because you will get mad at the river card. Just try memorize the card patterns, it will help. Keep away the pots which has somebody 'all-in'. 'All-in' wins most of the time, so they can keep on. (how nice the software). Again, no math or odds involves here. Only the software decide who'll win the pot. Play here if you don't care your skills messed up.
PartyPoker Never Again by JohnnyT812 @ 24, Dec 2004 |
Interface: Action: Support: Fish: Bonus:
admit it, I'm new to this Poker craze. I even love this new found ESPN/Travel Channel trained crowd of newbies and fish. Being a sound, semi-pro rated blackjack player who reads and studies almost every avenue of the game, I finnaly found an escape from the over-bearing house advantage at blackjack. I rarely play blackjack now, the casino's and the "newbies" who jump into the game have ruined it in my opinion. Sure, the house counts on these fish to make their cash cow go. And sure, poker players count on the injection of newbies to make their money. But PartyPoker plainly lacks the customer support (not almost non-existent, TOTALY non-existent). Thier rake is way out of bounds, especially on SnG's. Ease of Game? I guess for those who refuse to study and strive to become world-class players, PartyPoker is the best. It is the site for "No-Fold 'em Hold'em" style play. For those of you who rave about PartyPoker "if you don't know who the mark is......". PartyPoker is what it is because of the fish and for those of you into Poker for the short haul there will never be another site like it. Fish aplenty. As for me, I prefer to up my game and not be satisfied with simply beating a bunch of maniacs who wish to try their luck at the "game" of Poker. Poker, unlike any other form of gaming, is to be played with style and honor. The river rats at PartyPoker, and you so called "skilled" players who bring yourselves down to this level simply to cash in on the un-suspecting, lack the class and honor that Poker deserves in the gaming world. Way too many repeat hands (how about A3o three times in a row) and way too many repeat flops (I actually flopped QQ8 three times in a row, four times in ten rounds). To make that this site is anything more than a place for fish and those who prey on them by refusing to give up on medium hands to the river, it plays out far too many times here. The tourney's are geared towards thier own tourney's and never towards any others. I have figured out how to play @ PartyPoker - play it like a video game, open up three tables or more during tourney or ring and take note of the similarity of the cards. Play two or more tables and notice the familarity of not only your pocket but the flop, turn, or river. Go on a draw, watch the other table, and you can bet like a wild man, if one table his your flush, you can bet without fail the other will too. THIS is NOT Poker - it is a video/cyberspace replica of Al Capones "Mirrored" Poker room. (Al had his room set up with mirrors all around except behind his own seat). So, to all of you who only play PP - do not go to FullTilt, Doyle's, or any site where skill, patient, or learned players are at. If you aspire only to play fish, PP is the place for you. It's your choice, continue along with the skill level it takes to take money from losers and beginners and that's where you'll stay - at that skill level. PartyPoker IS the room for you.
PartyPoker Review by SeriousPlayer @ 03, Dec 2004 |
Interface: Action: Support: Fish: Bonus:
Ok, a couple things, there is no online poker room that's totally perfect for everyone - if the interface is awesome, there's not enough action (UltimateBet, PokerRoom, Superior, Full Tilt). If there's plenty of ring game action, maybe the tournament action is weak (PartyPoker, EmpirePoker charge too much for SnG's). A room can have great tournament action, but nothing else (PokerStars). But I would say the over-riding factor is making money, I mean that is probably the main reason most of us play poker. It's fun and social, but it's about winning money. I am a ring-game player. 10 Player games are my thing, but I'll play 6 too. Clearly, PartyPoker (and EmpirePoker) is the best poker room for me. There is unlimited ring game action at all stakes, at all times, any day. I can play 4 tables simultaneously at any stakes I want without any delays. Searching for the right table to play at is part of my game. Searching for just any table with a seat is ridiculous. IMHO, the fish are not as plentiful at PartyPoker (and EmpirePoker) as perhaps 1 year ago, but you can still find easy tables that will pay you off. And for you bonus hunters, there is no poker room bonus that is easier to reach than PartyPoker (and EmpirePoker). Have fun.
The Poker Affiliate Guide - How to Build and Promote a Better Poker Website